This week, a shocking announcement takes the AI world by storm! On our 11th episode of Launch Codes, Joe is joined by Matt Tonkin, RP’s VP of Consulting & Partnerships, to discuss


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Sam Altman fired from OpenAI, joins Microsoft

OpenAI CEO and co-founder Sam Altman has been fired, according to an announcement issued by the company last Friday. Shortly after the announcement, OpenAI’s co-founder and president Greg Brockman resigned. And just this morning, it was announced that Microsoft would be hiring both Altman and Brockman.

This comes as a major shock to everyone, and Joe iterates that he’s been an admirer of Altman as a leader and communicator in the AI space. The whole situation is strange, especially considering the vague reasoning for Altman’s departure in OpenAI’s announcement: “He [Altman] was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.” Matt comments on this, stating this reason seems almost purposely veiled, and it’ll be interesting to see if we ever learn more details down the road (maybe in a movie!).

Joe and Matt delve into a deeper discussion surrounding the drama-filled dialogue that took place between Altman, OpenAI, and perhaps even Microsoft over the weekend. There is a lot of speculation surrounding what was said during those negotiations, but we know with certainty that it remains unresolved. For now, the new interim CEO for OpenAI is Emmett Shear, the former CEO of Twitch.

Joe is also surprised by the current shift towards “decelerating” the AI movement, and how Altman’s departure seems to contribute to this. Joe went on to say, “The moment your foot’s taken off the gas, someone’s going to be putting their foot on — whether that’s some other company in the US, Europe, China, who knows? No one else is going to be taking their foot off the gas”. It’s an important point that OpenAI is certainly considering. We’re all curious to see how this will play out.


Google and Yahoo make big changes to prevent spam

We’ve seen a lot of headlines about Google and Yahoo email deliverability changes coming in Q1 of 2024, but a recent announcement by Outreach has brought this topic back to the forefront.

It will affect organizations sending more than 5,000 messages per day to the Google or Yahoo network, regardless of platform. Spam complaint rates of 0.3% or higher will be blocked from sending messages.

Joe comments that this could be a big problem for enterprise companies that are reliant on a high-volume outbound messaging model. The COO at ColdIQ said on LinkedIn, “It’s symptomatic of a larger trend — the old predictable revenue playbook is dying. Inboxes are overwhelmed and buyers aren’t responding to cold outreach like before. SDR teams have grown exponentially yet yield diminishing returns.”

This all comes as no surprise to Matt, who says it’s a natural progression of the last five or six years of legislating this area through things like GDPR. Although the 0.3% number looks scary, Matt feels that you probably don’t have too much to worry about if you’re following best practices. This puts even more emphasis on good targeting; marketers need to make sure their content is highly valuable to the people receiving it.


The platform pivot: How to learn a new automation tool

This week’s question from the Slack Channel (used with permission from the founder, Mike Rizzo) is: “What’s the best way to break into Marketo or SFMC when you only have 1 year of experience in each but more than 7 years of experience in Eloqua?”

This is a tough one because we often see roles and positions broken down by the tool being used. But the reality is, which Matt and Joe agree on, the knowledge you gain in one tool isn’t lost on another. Switching tools will require an understanding of new processes and new terminology, but the core strategic mindset on how to use an automation tool is transferable.

To expedite that initial learning curve, expose yourself to people who have used that new platform you’re learning, look at the documentation, and lean into as much exposure as possible. It depends on how much time you have, but someone with a good MOPs mindset can probably move between platforms within a matter of months — especially with a community as helpful and supportive as the MOPs one.


Hot Takes

  • Marketing Ops Function Continues to Grow in 2024
    • The State of Martech and Marketing Operations was released for 2024. 63% of CMOs expect to increase the size of their MOPs function in the next 12 months.
  • The Growing AI Wearables Market
    • Rewind Pendant: a wearable that captures what you see, say and hear in the real world, then summarizes it and securely stores it for future use.
    • Humane AI Pin: a wearable device developed by Humane, a tech startup led by former Apple employees Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno. Priced at $700, it’s designed for artificial intelligence applications and attaches to clothing via a magnetic system with a detachable battery.
  • YouTube will tell users when content was created with AI
    • YouTube will begin to require creators to label AI-generated content on its platform.


Read The Transcript

Disclaimer: This transcript was created by AI using Descript and has not been edited.

[00:00:00] Joe Peters: Welcome to episode 11. I’m your host, Joe Peters. On today’s episode, massive drama and AI. Second, Google tightens its belt on spam complaints. From our community, the platform Pivot, how to learn a new automation tool. And then in our hot takes, CMOs say the more the merrier for mops teams next year.

[00:00:25] Joe Peters: The future of fashion, AI wearables that tech all the boxes. And finally, YouTube stamps out AI ambiguity with new labeling. Today I’m joined by Matt Tonkin. Matt, what are you happy or excited to discuss this week?

[00:00:41] Matt Tonkin: So we’re recording this on a Monday morning and as someone who checked out a little bit on the weekend, had a busy weekend what, what happened to like open AI is well, yeah, I want to know what’s going on.

[00:00:54] Joe Peters: So I’ve been following this. Very, very closely over the weekend. Pretty shocking. So right now it’s what time of day is it? It’s 20 after nine Eastern on Monday morning. So I feel like this is fast moving drama. Who knows what could happen today, but as this is what we know, as of now, Friday afternoon, the board of open AI fired Sam Altman and shortly after Greg Brockman, the president quit.

[00:01:31] Joe Peters: And then there was kind of a sign of a whole bunch of departures going to happen to follow them in whatever they decide to do. So, obviously a real shocker. Sam Altman presented to President Z and Biden just the night before was the keynote speaker at the APEC CEOs conference in California. I think it was in San Francisco and then the next day he’s fired.

[00:02:07] Joe Peters: So really some weirdness. And, and the, the, the reason they said for him being let go was something around clarity of communications, like vaguely in that. So there’s a lot to unpack there. So that’s drama point one, or step one. Yeah.

[00:02:33] Matt Tonkin: And it feels like how much has happened. Yeah, when I read the reason.

[00:02:40] Matt Tonkin: It seems purposely veiled in, in some ways. Right. So it’ll be interesting to hear sort of like the back and forth, but it seems like it came as a huge shock to, to anyone involved. So I find that surprising.

[00:02:58] Joe Peters: Yeah. So going into it, it’s pretty,

[00:03:06] Joe Peters: it’s hard to fully appreciate. I’m a big fan of, of I think he is an incredible communicator and a great leader in the space of AI. So I really wondered what, what could really happen that would for, for a board to be so upset that they would let him go like that he is, if you’d compare him to the communication style of.

[00:03:35] Joe Peters: Elon or Zuckerberg, like they’re not even in the same category. He’s so thoughtful and just, just a great communicator. Very rare from that perspective, uh, a lot of charisma and, you know, a lot of people are following him. And so when, when you kind of peel back the layers of the onion, what was really surprising to me was the very unusual board structure that they have, like very unusual, there’s only.

[00:04:08] Joe Peters: Four board members outside of Sam Altman and Greg Brockman. One of them’s at OpenAI. I always butcher his last name, but it’s the Ilya Sutskevich, uh, is the, is the technology person connected or the, you know, the hardcore developer part of the team. And then the other board members are. Pretty, I’m going to say basic and what I mean by that is they’re not really outstanding people, the type of people that you would expect.

[00:04:51] Joe Peters: Well, one, Microsoft doesn’t have a seat on the board, which is shocking for a 10 billion investment. And then you have like a former CTO of Facebook, but he left in 2008. Matt, what was Facebook like in 2008? It was just becoming a commercial product at the time. And then the others are, are, I’m going to say people that you wouldn’t really expect to have so much power.

[00:05:22] Joe Peters: Right. And if,

[00:05:24] Matt Tonkin: so if it’s a six member board, it’s obviously a unanimous decision. Or four to two.

[00:05:31] Joe Peters: Yeah.

[00:05:32] Matt Tonkin: Yeah. So, yeah, who, who really made the decision, I guess, then the way you’re describing it. And you mentioned
like Microsoft not having a… And that was the first thing when I did see the news and stuff, a lot of the comments were along, like, how does this affect the relationship with Mike?

[00:05:51] Matt Tonkin: And then you give me a little note on what actually has happened in what the last 10 hours, that’s. Almond’s been

[00:06:01] Joe Peters: hired by Microsoft. Yeah. Well, while you’re kind of skipping. Okay.

[00:06:06] Matt Tonkin: I’m a fresh, fresh baby to everything that’s coming in on this, like what?

[00:06:18] Joe Peters: So the, the, the, the dialogue going back was what was, could be the reason.

[00:06:23] Joe Peters: And so a lot of the commentary was that safety was at the core and. There was a difference in perspective on safety. And what that actually meant for the future. So Altman had alluded on Thursday that they’d made another massive breakthrough. And so that was where people thought the tension was on
the safety side.

[00:06:53] Joe Peters: It turns out if you believe what’s happened, that that wasn’t the case. So, so listen, it’s, it’s Saturday. The drama continues. It looks like the board is going to resign. And Altman’s going to go back. Okay. That was Saturday. Sunday turns out that wasn’t the case. And obviously Microsoft is playing heavy on in the negotiations here.

[00:07:27] Joe Peters: They lost 80 billion in market cap on Friday. So they’re pretty worried about what’s happening. 100%. And so it seemed like, well, last night when I was heading to bed. It remained unresolved. And there was a picture of Sam Altman holding a guest badge at OpenAI headquarters, okay, which, and then you have these trigger points where all of these key members of the OpenAI team are leaving.

[00:08:02] Joe Peters: They had set a time and people were leaving. So wake, waking up this morning, find out Microsoft has hired. Altman and Brockman and Microsoft Ignite is going to be this new AI space and they’re going to lead it and have a ton of money to take AI forward and I really wasn’t familiar with him before this morning.

[00:08:37] Joe Peters: Obviously, I know the tech but the New CEO of OpenAI has been announced, and that is Emmett Shear. And he is best known as the CEO of Twitch. Which, I don’t know, doesn’t seem to be like an obvious one for me, but maybe Twitch had some really moves happening in AI, but he has been out of the game. And, and had, had left Twitch, I’m going to say for six months, nine months or something and and just took over as CEO of OpenAI and he dispelled the rumor that the reason for the departure and the dismissal was not safety oriented.

[00:09:33] Joe Peters: And that he is committed to commercializing their innovations. So Matt, it’s crazy. It’s like, it’s, this is the second inning of the AI development cycle. And these moves are just jaw dropping. And this,

[00:09:58] Matt Tonkin: yeah, it’s like a, sort of a watershed moment. And this, well, cause conversation around like safety and, you know, for commercialization of this, like.

[00:10:08] Matt Tonkin: Those are all those, like, very hot topic words for the general public versus, you know, the tech community that’s more involved in AI right, in that balance. So, that’s what I, I find interesting, like, how does this hurt perceptions publicly about open AI? Is there, you know, you start getting all the worries about, like, well, what was happening that, that made this so necessary and that sort of piece.

[00:10:34] Joe Peters: Yeah. Very, very true. And obviously there’s going to be a story. There’s a book and or a movie about this coming, like, this is, this is pretty fascinating. And the

[00:10:49] Matt Tonkin: script will probably be written by ChatGPT.

[00:10:55] Joe Peters: You know, but I feel, I feel like there’s a big shift happening here now. And. The one thing that really surprises me is there’s this deceleration movement. They’re called decels now, which I think is pretty funny. This deceleration movement on trying to slow things down. But I’m going to tell you, there are, no one else is slowing down.

[00:11:24] Joe Peters: And, and maybe you would like it, but the moment your foot’s taken off the gas, Someone’s going to be putting their foot on and whether that’s some other company in, in, in the U S the EU, Europe, China, who knows? No one else is going to be taking their foot off the gas. So I don’t think the genie’s out of the bottle and we’ve got to figure things out and I, I really am curious where this goes, but anyway, that’s enough of the drama today, let’s, let’s shift gears, but definitely.

[00:12:05] Joe Peters: More to come here and more details that we’re going to find out. And I really would like to know what this breakthrough was that they had on Thursday. And maybe that’ll shed some light on why.

[00:12:19] Matt Tonkin: Is it something, is it something that even is elaborated on in the next week, do you think? I don’t know.

[00:12:26] Matt Tonkin: Right? Like, or is it just suddenly like disappear and that wasn’t mentioned and we don’t know exactly that. What that mention was,

[00:12:34] Joe Peters: we’re going to have to wait for the movie. I think Matt, anyway. All right, well, let’s shift gears. Not a lot of mops in that first segment, but we’ll bring it right back to the ranch here as we get into our next topic, which is Google and Yahoo making pretty big changes.

[00:12:58] Joe Peters: To prevent spam. So we’ve seen a lot of headlines on deliverability changing changes coming in Q1, and we really focused on this you know, in a couple of podcasts ago, but really it’s these new rules that are going to affect organizations sending more than 5, 000 messages. per day to google yahoo networks regardless of the platform and this could include password resets newsletter product announcement it doesn’t matter so organizations with spam complaint rates of 0.

[00:13:37] Joe Peters: 3 let me repeat that 0. 3 or higher will be blocked from sending messages to Google Yahoo. And this, this could be a really, really big problem for some enterprise companies reliant on kind of that high volume outbound messaging model. So there is a quote from cold IQ, the COO from there, and the point was, quote, It’s symptomatic of a larger trend.

[00:14:09] Joe Peters: The old predictable revenue playbook is dying. Inboxes are overwhelmed and buyers aren’t responding to cold outreach like before. SDR teams have grown exponentially, yet yield diminishing returns. End quote. So what do you think about this, Matt? There’s, there’s a lot to unpack here, but it’s not a surprise.

[00:14:32] Joe Peters: Not a surprise.

[00:14:33] Matt Tonkin: It’s a natural progression that we’ve seen over the last five, six years of, you know, legislating this type of thing with GDPR and, You know, even in the States, which in the United States, I know Canadians tend to say the States a lot I’ve been called out on that a bit, but even in the United States, you’re starting to see more of that legislation put in place and a place that’s historically been kind of slow to the compliance game.

[00:15:00] Matt Tonkin: You’re starting to see that being put in place at a legislative level, which means, you know, it was just a matter of time before, you know, Google started. All right. Let’s, let’s use our weight and throw it around a bit. I’d say if you’re following good practices, you probably don’t have too much to worry about.

[00:15:19] Matt Tonkin: I know I work with a lot of companies that they probably don’t have to worry too much about this. That 0. 3 percent though is a scary looking number. Yeah. But it comes down to a matter of like. Yeah, you can’t just buy lists and blast out lists anymore one. It’s a it’s a bad tactic. It doesn’t work very well.

[00:15:38] Matt Tonkin: So This is almost Google saving you from yourself

[00:15:44] Joe Peters: Yeah, and so I think what are the solutions one quality is going to matter probably personalization And maybe even how that could be in that AI assisted personalization. We’ve had some pretty fun experiments with that. What else do you think is on the, on the table here?

[00:16:11] Joe Peters: Hyper

[00:16:11] Matt Tonkin: targeting that someone is interested or has reason to be interested. And what I’m sending is valuable. And that’s, I mean, that’s been key for getting good open rates, getting good click rates is send something valuable. Don’t just be like, Hey. By my product people get flooded, right? And so, there’s
gonna be that change in tactic.

[00:16:33] Matt Tonkin: How do you actually reach out to people in that sort of approach? And anytime something like this happens, there’ll be a few articles that are big and like, Oh, okay, do it this way. And everyone’s going to do that. So it’s going to be switched to LinkedIn, LinkedIn, direct messages. And suddenly everyone’s going to be flooded with LinkedIn direct messages.

[00:16:52] Matt Tonkin: And it becomes, I remember years and years ago, HubSpot put out an article that for some reason, I think it was 10 PM or 10 AM Eastern on Tuesdays and Thursdays get the best engagement rates for emails. And you know what happened? Everyone sent emails at 10 a. m. Eastern, and no one opened any emails. So it’s sort of that, that cadence and that flow.

[00:17:16] Matt Tonkin: And I see that happening. I see a bunch of, Okay, we can’t email as much, do this, and that getting overwhelmed. And everyone sort of will find their, find their area that works for them.

[00:17:29] Joe Peters: Yeah, I, I, I don’t know how many, we’re sort of overwhelmed with a lot of spam now. And I’m going to say my DMs on LinkedIn, 90 percent of the time are someone trying to sell something now, maybe even higher.

[00:17:48] Matt Tonkin: And it, the worst is when it seems like a genuine connection or, or need, and then you connect and then immediately they’re selling something to you. And that’s sort of that bait and switch that that’s what it was with email originally. And this, that’s going to cause linkedin to start cracking down as well.

[00:18:10] Matt Tonkin: Yeah,

[00:18:11] Joe Peters: it’s, it’s moving from one thing to the other. It’s the whack a mole of channels, right? So anyway, let’s move into our community question. And thanks to the marketingops. com community for. Giving us a great topic this week. So let me read the question for you, Matt. What’s the best way to break into Marketo or SFMC when you only have one year experience in each, but more than seven years experience in Eloqua.

[00:18:45] Matt Tonkin: Oh, so that’s always, that’s always a tough one, right? Because so many times like roles and new, new positions get broken down by what tool you’re using. And it’s unfortunate because in a lot of ways, you know, there’s the idea of like transferable skills. And that knowledge on how to structure a RevOps team, how to structure, how processes are happening and how data’s met and read, all of that is transferable between these platforms.

[00:19:13] Matt Tonkin: In the end, the best way to get experience is to have experience, which is, which sucks because the only way to get experience is to have an opportunity to be in with the tool.

[00:19:23] Joe Peters: If this is, but the knowledge isn’t lost, right? The knowledge isn’t lost. No, it’s part of it is just understanding. The kind of switch in language and process within the systems and

[00:19:37] Matt Tonkin: but yeah, that’s 100%.

[00:19:39] Matt Tonkin: I know Marketo uses the term programs for what most in marketing would term a campaign. And then Marketo campaigns are more like a workflow for most. And, and that can be that hardest part, that terminology, that just knowing how to do certain things. But again, it’s just, you get experience with that and those transferable skills, that strategic mindset doesn’t get lost.

[00:20:04] Matt Tonkin: So a lot of it’s exposure, look into the documentation, talk with people who’ve used the platform that can kind of do that translation, right? I think that’s sort of the, the perfect part. How long does that take? Depends how much time you can invest. But I think someone with a good mobs mindset can probably move between platforms in a matter of a few months.

[00:20:25] Matt Tonkin: Not saying they’re going to be an expert in it, but they can

[00:20:29] Joe Peters: make that transition. Yeah, make their way around in the platform and get things done. Yeah, and… I’d say also
rely on the community when you’re, when you’re blocked on something. So if you, you know, can’t figure out or decode what doing X is in, in platform Z, then ask the community.

[00:20:53] Joe Peters: We, we have a great mops community out there and people are very, very supportive. Okay, let’s take a minute to thank our sponsors at Knack for sponsoring today’s episode. Knack is the no code platform that allows you to build campaigns in minutes. NAC’s dark mode allows you to test and preview your emails to see exactly how they’ll look in dark mode.

[00:21:20] Joe Peters: Visit NAC. com to learn more. That’s K N A K dot com. All right, so let’s move into our hot takes, Matt. And our first one is from the State of Martech and Marketing Operations, released for 2024. And 63 percent of CMOs expect to see an increase in the size of their MOPS function in the next 12 months. So this research was done in August of this year, and the reasons why they feel this is happening is that Martek continues to play a role, a key role in marketing strategy, and 30 percent of an organization’s marketing budget now is spent on Martek, according to this report.

[00:22:11] Joe Peters: So what are your first thoughts on this, Matt?

[00:22:14] Matt Tonkin: Honestly, this makes sense to me. If you think about sort of a bit more turbulent last 12 months that we’ve had. And the thing with marketing operations is that you only tend to notice it when things are going bad, right? It’s one of those things that it’s under the hood a lot of the time.

[00:22:32] Matt Tonkin: And that’s a challenge for marketing operations. Marketing operations professionals who need to find a way to surface what they’re doing to show their value. But I think a lot of the times. It’s that it’s only noticed when something’s going wrong. So when times come for cuts and stuff, it looks like, Oh, what’s this person doing?

[00:22:52] Matt Tonkin: And you see a lot of cuts. And we saw that happen over the last 12 months or so. And then suddenly it does, it starts cascading and you don’t have people that have the knowledge that have, you know. The, the understanding of how your data is set up, how everything’s processing and you start to not be able to know what you need to know.

[00:23:12] Matt Tonkin: You know, the old phrase for advertising budgets. I know half my budget’s wasted. I just don’t know which half. Well, if you have a good team, you know what you, that’s, that’s the whole underlying purpose is knowing how to do these things, knowing what works and actioning on them. And that’s. drives marketing strategy.

[00:23:37] Joe Peters: Well, I, I think you’ve made some good points there and it is encouraging for a space it, I, I do, I do think that. People are understanding the ROI component of MOPS is much easier to understand than other parts of the, of the function. So let’s move on to our next area. A little jump back to AI again. And there’s a couple of new AI wearables that have been released.

[00:24:07] Joe Peters: There’s first is this rewind pendant. And second is this humane AI pen. And let’s start with the humane one. And then we can get. Into the rewind one and the humane AI pin. I really would just encourage you to kind of have a look at it. They have a weird URL. It’s like H U dot M A N E dot AI or something
like that.

[00:24:36] Joe Peters: Or no, it’s H

[00:24:38] Matt Tonkin: H U dot M A dot N E. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:24:43] Joe Peters: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It’s very, very funny. But cause it’s a little bit hard to find, but I’d encourage everyone to just go watch the video. It’s about 10 minutes. It’s pretty fascinating. And if it isn’t fully, let’s say perfect today. The profile is a little bit big, like the way you’re going to wear it is kind of a bit odd and big, but if you kind of think about it, I do feel like it’s given us a glimpse of the future.

[00:25:19] Joe Peters: What were your first takes at it? The interesting

[00:25:22] Matt Tonkin: thing for me and like with that video is that it wasn’t, I don’t know, it didn’t have like this huge flash, like appeal. Trying to sell you on this thing, it, it was just, here’s this device, here’s how it works, and very, I felt, matter of fact, here’s how things work, and it felt like, you know, taking all of the cool or slightly scary pieces of the other wearables we’ve seen, and sort of like, putting it all together, it really felt like, sort of a, all in one device for AI, um, so, so that was what stood out to me first, it was very much a, Let’s describe how and why and not not get too flashy

[00:26:01] Joe Peters: with it.

[00:26:02] Joe Peters: Yeah So just just so if you can conceptually think about it It would be like if you took an iPhone It’d be like the size maybe like the top third of your phone Maybe a little bit thicker and then has a magnet or clip structure. There’s a kind of different backs to it. So it can either be, you put it on one side of a shirt in the, in the, in the battery or the back of it, the clip is behind, or so it’s kind of like in between your shirt or on either side of your shirt, or you can clip it onto a jacket or clip it onto a purse or different things like that.

[00:26:47] Joe Peters: So that form factor is a bit. A bit awkward. It looked a bit awkward on the people, but then you’re able to engage with it. At different points, kind of eliminates some of the surveillance fears by having a glowing light so it doesn’t, you know, you’re not secretly recording people, although I bet you if you put a piece of black electrical tape over it, that would cover it up pretty quick.

[00:27:17] Joe Peters: But anyway. It also has a little projector, so it will project onto your hand and you can control it using your finger and thumb to advance things. I don’t know. It looked really interesting and I think it would be fascinating to try it, but I think it would be also really weird to wear it around. And

[00:27:44] Matt Tonkin: it looks cool, right?

[00:27:45] Matt Tonkin: You see it on your hand. Functionally, and like, is, is that something people want to do? Is that, you know, is that better than a phone? Or your watch. Or your watch. Is that, like, how, how well does it work, one? Is it, if it’s not clean functionality, like, if it… It can be as cool looking as you want, but if the actual interface doesn’t work, and I mean, we just saw what the video was.

[00:28:14] Matt Tonkin: I haven’t had a chance to play around with this, so it might work perfectly, but I have my doubts that it does. So that’s one thing too, right. Is, is it better enough that it’s going to replace something like a phone? Yeah. And the one thing with this too, you know, we’ve got all these different ones coming at the rewind pendant.

[00:28:32] Matt Tonkin: You know, we’ve seen all these wearables. When does it kind of consolidate and become like a phone where, you know, A huge chunk has an iPhone and then, you know, the smaller divisions, there’s maybe like really 10 at most key models that people have. So when does it become like that where everything gets consolidated or does it?

[00:28:52] Matt Tonkin: Does everyone just have a different wearable?

[00:28:56] Joe Peters: I do, I do find it pretty interesting. I think they’re on to something. It’s, it’s worth having a look. It’s probably V1 is not going to be if they get enough funding and sell enough that. They can get to V2. It’s probably a compelling. More compelling when it’s a smaller form factor, but right now, and some of the criticism that I’ve heard has been the kind of surveillance recording people, and I, I think they’ve tried to address that.

[00:29:32] Joe Peters: And then the other thing is I have a phone and a watch. Why do I need this too? And that, and that I think is probably a legit question and maybe it eliminates. One of those things, I don’t know to your

[00:29:49] Matt Tonkin: point on the whole, like recording and they address that very early in the video. They pretty much outright say, you know, it’s not going to just be recording you.

[00:29:58] Matt Tonkin: It, you have to interact with it, which is kind of a very different approach from that rewind pendant where the whole point is it’s recording.

[00:30:06] Joe Peters: Yeah. So that rewind pendant, for those of you that aren’t familiar with that is a necklace with a little, it looks kind of like. A little cylinder, maybe an inch, uh, long and a half an inch thick.

[00:30:21] Joe Peters: And it’s at the end of this pendant and it’s kind of just recording all day. And then it sort of processes it and condenses it and gives you details on what it’s heard all day long. Now they’ve really, like if you check out their website now, it’s really walked back because they got a lot of criticism on that and they’re all their use cases are like, what would it be like for a CEO to condense all your conversations that you’ve had all day?

[00:30:50] Joe Peters: Or what about someone with ADHD to get a summary of what there is? So they’re really trying to, it’s very actually hard to see a picture of the pendant. On the website now,

[00:31:01] Matt Tonkin: so I haven’t looked at it in a while. I’ll have to

[00:31:03] Joe Peters: yeah. So obviously they’ve taken their criticism on the surveillance side of things to hurt.

[00:31:09] Joe Peters: But anyway, this was supposed to be a hot take and ended up being longer than some of our other segments. So. Maybe we should move on and this last one, I think, and this is a theme that we’ve talked about a little bit is YouTube now going to be telling users when content was created with AI and having the ability to have those labels.

[00:31:33] Joe Peters: So that people have awareness on this. I think when we get into things like elections, conflicts, public health crises, any kind of public official or public figure, this, this sort of AI label is going to be important. And we’re going to have to have more and more of these. Yeah. It’s,

[00:31:57] Matt Tonkin: And to me, it’s a natural progression of.

[00:31:59] Matt Tonkin: You know, misinformation flags and fact check, fact checking flags where, you know, if it can tell that there’s something off about it, surfacing that not necessarily removing it, but making sure people are as informed as possible.

[00:32:16] Joe Peters: Yeah, it’s, it’s a pretty.

[00:32:18] Matt Tonkin: Hey,

[00:32:23] Joe Peters: this is going to be something. And I know, I know we’re going to have a several iterations before this is nailed.

[00:32:29] Joe Peters: It is next year’s us election is going to be fascinating on what’s going to happen in this space.

[00:32:40] Matt Tonkin: We’ll know a lot more. I mean, we’ll see how well YouTube can actually

[00:32:44] Joe Peters: action on this. Yeah. And I think all the platforms are thinking about this now. I know Metta came out with something last week too, I think in the, in the similar um, area of trust, but okay, let’s move on to our pairing segment.

[00:33:01] Joe Peters: And this week I’m in the office today, so I don’t have access to my turntable or the vinyl. But we, that’s not going to stop us from sharing, um, our pairing segment today. So album that I would like to share with you today is a Grateful Dead album. It’s, it’s, it was kind of their last, well, not, not the last, but it was the first time they kind of had broader commercial success.

[00:33:36] Joe Peters: The album is called In the Dark and the song is called Touch of Gray. And It’s not the for the deadhead fans out there. They’ll be like, Oh, Joe, why are you sharing that song? This isn’t the they’re, you know, the best part of their catalog, but I thought it was fitting with everything that’s going on in AI and the The fact that we’re a bit in the dark and everything’s got a little cloudier here in terms of where things are going.

[00:34:05] Joe Peters: So I thought touch of gray was a very fitting track for us to have as our music pairing this week. And the vinyl is super cool. It’s kind of this. Purpley vinyl, you’ll, you’ll see it in the, in our show notes and show a cover, but it this track in the dark and touch of gray, I thought were perfect for today.

[00:34:31] Matt Tonkin: Well, so for me I’ve got my beer and

[00:34:37] Matt Tonkin: the beer I’ve gone with today is from Quebec and it’s Unibrew, Unibrew, depending on the pronunciation, and This one I felt served very well for what we’ve done. So for anyone who doesn’t have an elementary level of French like myself, Le Fin du Monde is the end of the world. And email spam rates, open AI in shambles.

[00:35:04] Matt Tonkin: It really can be like the end of the world, but just remember… It’s not the end of the world. So, yeah, well,

[00:35:11] Joe Peters: those ones are pretty strong. Yeah. So you have too many of

[00:35:15] Matt Tonkin: those that can be, yeah, yeah,

[00:35:18] Joe Peters: it can be those, those are a flashback to my youth heading over across the border to go back. And those, those are, those pack fandomo.

[00:35:31] Joe Peters: But all right, Matt, that’s awesome. And we’re on the same wavelength. As with our choices this week, setting them up thematically to what’s happening in our world. But all right. Well, thanks, Matt. And thanks to everyone for listening. Be sure to subscribe, rate and review. You can find us on Spotify, YouTube and Apple.

[00:35:54] Joe Peters: Stay connected with us on LinkedIn or by joining our newsletter, also called Launch Codes using the link in the description. And as always, thanks mom for watching. Have a great week, everyone.
